Break the statistics - Reliable protection during welding.

52.2 million € per year

costs in Germany due to eye injuries at the workplace.

Sources: BMAS/BAuA (2015): Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit 2015. www.baua.de/suga & Macrom Studie 2015.

0 %

of injuries are preventable by wearing the proper eye protection.

Source: www.preventblindness.org/
eye-safety-work (01.03.2017)


Eye injuries account for a quarter of all welding accidents, making them one of the most common injuries among welders.

3M Speedglas 9100 series automatic welding masks.

for blowers or compressed air breathing protection systems

Speedglas 9100 Air

3M™ Speedglas™ 9100 Air

Reliable eye and face protection from radiation, heat and sparks while maintaining a precise view of the workpiece makes your Speedglas 9100 welding mask one of your most important welding tools. Perfect for precision grinding, even
in unfavorable lighting conditions: Simply flip up the welding visor, and your view is magnified to 17 × 10 cm by the clear visor underneath.

Product Details:

• SideWindows: Unique level 5 protection filters that expand field of view.
• 100% compatible with all 3M™ Speedglas™ 9100 automatic welding filters.
• Large 17 x 10 cm clear protective lens is curved to allow extended vision to the sides.
• Mechanical resistance to EN 166:B:T. B = Protection against fast flying particles with medium impact energy (120 m/s). T = Extreme temperatures from -5 °C to +55 °C.

Speedglas FX9100 Air

3M™ Speedglas™ 9100 FX Air

Use the 9100 FX Air welding mask, your respiratory protection is not interrupted even when looking through the clear visor. The Speedglas 9100 FX welding mask combines an automatic welding filter with clear protection through the FlexView function. Not only is the field of view of the clear visor larger compared to previous Speedglas models, but the mask geometry has been completely redesigned for an expanded field of view in all directions.

Product details:

• SideWindows: unique level 5 protection filters expand field of vision.
• 100% compatible with all 3M™ Speedglas™ 9100 automatic welding filters.
• Large 17 x 10 cm clear protective lens is curved to allow extended vision to the sides.
• Mechanical resistance according to EN 175:B. B = Protection against fast flying particles with medium impact energy (120 m/s).

3M Speedglas Schweissmaske 9100-MP mit Arbeitsschutzhelm

3M™ Speedglas™ 9100 MP

The 3M Speedglas 9100 MP (Multi-Protection) welding mask with FlexView function, work helmet and respiratory protection system! Seamlessly combines five welding protection functions: head, eyes, face, respiratory tract and hearing are safely protected by the uniquely comfortable and easy-to-use system. The Speedglas 9100 MP welding mask: the uncompromising, all-in-one welding protection system for demanding work environments.

Product details:

• SideWindows: protection level 5 filters extend peripheral field of view.
• 100% compatible with all 3M Speedglas 9100 automatic welding filters (sizes V, X and XX).
• Curved, clear protective visor (17×10 cm) with excellent visibility in all directions.
• Head shell made of heat-resistant polycarbonate (complies with EN 379 standard for industrial safety helmets). Optional aluminum mesh reflects hot sunlight and welding heat.
• Mechanical resistance according to EN 166:B:T. B = Protection against fast flying particles with medium impact energy (120 m/s). T = Extreme temperatures from -5 °C to +55 °C.

Compatible 3M filters: 3M Speedglas 9100 series automatic welding filters.

3M automatic welding filter 9100V

3M Automatic Welding Filter 9100X

3M automatic welding filter 9100XX

3M Automatic welding filter 9100XXi

3M 9100 Passive Filter Kit

Compatible 3M breathing connections: Self-contained breathing apparatus or compressed air

3M Adflo blower breath guard

The belt-worn, lightweight 3M Adflo respirator blower consistently delivers the airflow you set (170 – 200 l/min.). The slim profile and ergonomic design further reduce weight and make it easier to enter tight welding areas, plus it’s specifically designed for working at altitude and compensates for low air density.

With the right type of filter, the Adflo blower respirator effectively protects you from hazardous welding fumes and significantly increases comfort and well-being through the supplied airflow.


• Respiratory protection depending on the welding mask/headpiece TH2 or TH3 used.
• Highly efficient filtration of particles or of particles and gases (depending on the filter used).
• Is not suitable for protection against substances with insufficient warning properties (taste/odor).
• Constant nominal air flow rate 170 l/min. or 200 l/min.
The slim design allows maximum mobility and freedom of movement.

3M Versaflo Air Regulator V-500E

The belt-worn, lightweight V-500E air regulator consistently delivers the airflow you set (170-305 l/min.). An integrated silencer keeps the noise level at the level of normal conversation.

For work situations where the welder is exposed to extremely high or low ambient temperatures in addition to high concentrations of pollutants, compressed air assisted respiratory protection with the V-100E or V-200E systems is ideal. With these systems, the compressed air can be individually heated or cooled by a maximum of ±25 °C.


• Respiratory protection 2B or 3B depending on the welding mask/headpiece used.
• Also protects against substances with insufficient warning properties
• Regulator with adjustable air flow from 170 l/min. to 305 l/min.
• Requires compressed air, a compressed air preparation unit and suitable compressed air lines.

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As an experienced partner in the field of occupational health and safety and sound know-how, we offer you sustainable and perfectly fitting solutions, individually tailored to your requirements.

Do you have a problem or a task for us? Do you need comprehensive advice on occupational health and safety? Then we should talk about it as soon as possible.