The specialist for innovative solution concepts with regard to health and safety
With regard to respiratory protection, the challenges for occupational safety or for company management are very similar in every industry. When it comes to the health and safety of employees, decision-makers are called upon to create the optimum solution for their application. With regard to operational issues, it is important to understand and correctly interpret both the applicable laws and the recommendations of the statutory accident insurance institutions.
It is common practice to obtain information about possible devices for solving problems from technical retailers or on the Internet and then to purchase them. However, the available spectrum between fine dust masks and systems for ambient air-independent breathing air supply is large. Often solutions are implemented that do not cover all necessary aspects and in the worst case are rejected by the users.
PM Atemschutz recognised this area of conflict for decision-makers at an early stage and created the ideal solution with PM’s full service: It all starts with an analysis of the workplace.
This involves determining together with the company which risks exist in the workplace. In the subsequent consulting phase, solutions are identified. The decision-makers benefit from the extensive experience that PM Atemschutz has gained over 20 years. Also with regard to user acceptance, it is advisable to put the solution shown through its paces in practical tests. Rejection by the worker is often based on the improper use of the respiratory protection systems. If the test results are unsatisfactory, alternatives can be found at short notice and tested further. The time immediately after the equipment has been procured by purchase or rental is of great importance for later use. Because only after a professional initial instruction and for consolidation through later training are users able to handle the new equipment correctly and thus safely.
In accordance with the principle of everything from a single source, PM Service und Atemschutztechnik provides maintenance and service for the new respiratory protection devices, but also for those already in use – either on site or in our own respiratory protection workshop.